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  Highly Capable Program & Basic Education   

The Highly Capable Program (HCP) can provide instruction, activities and services that accelerate learning, and offer a unique academic challenge for young learners identified as highly capable. To be eligible for identification, students must be enrolled in a school district.

Washington’s HCP is established in state law (RCW) and administered through program rules (WAC) adopted by OSPI.

  • RCW 28A.150.220(3)(g)(3) The instructional program of basic education provided by each school district shall include: (g) Programs for highly capable students under RCW 28A.185.010 through 28A.185.030.
  • RCW 28A.185.020 The legislature finds that, for highly capable students, access to accelerated learning and enhanced instruction is access to a basic education.
  • WAC 392-170-012 For highly capable students, access to accelerated learning and enhanced instruction is access to a basic education. School districts may access basic education funds, in addition to highly capable categorical funds, to provide appropriate highly capable student programs.



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